Author : cmunroe

Warpath is not a term that should be used lightly and as such when used in the context of a rambunctious machine it should be understood the pace which the machine chases prey is worthy of mention on Incredible But True.

The DC5 R was not pleased with the norm or the status quo with which the DC2 R was known. To right the wrong, the F1 wizards enhanced the already accomplished VTEC and introduced VTEC with a conspiratorial brain – I-VTEC .

When the I-VTEC notes soar from the K20′s bowels, plundering mercenaries are unleashed with a single, fatal purpose. To the DC5 R asphalt is a notorious terrorist who is a permanent fixture on the watch-list and is being sought by every conceivable law enforcement agency.


Ironically, I-VTEC is not as blatantly visible or melodiously explosive as it is in the unhinged DC2 R, but its impact is very much present and presents a clear danger to that which is being chased. I-VTEC is immediate and consistently guarantees that with the quickened flight, distance is a blur.

On the prowl, the unscrambled dialogue between machine and asphalt would be scripted -

First gear – asphalt is informed of the machine’s presence.

Second gear – asphalt initiates defense mode.

Third gear – asphalt realizes it is trapped.

Fourth gear – asphalt flees, screaming for mercy.

Fifth gear – asphalt’s back is against unflinching F1-derived rubber and is being pounded indiscriminately.

Sixth gear – asphalt attempts to hurl an enormous white towel but is subdued as the DC5 R plunges an additional 8400 rpm towards its heart!

    Turbocharged machines are known for indefatgable acceleration, triggered by walloping boost. I have felt the force! But, on that morning, informed by the DC5 R’s insatiable propensity to unveil inestimable acceleration and rigorously stimulating speed, I was forced to concede that the naturally aspirated machine would discombobulate and terminate the typical, stock, turbocharged machine.

    I will admit, however, that this view might not apply to every DC5 R that left the factory floor. Truth be told, the fact that ‘Chungy’s’ formula is buried in the coded messages which determine how the machine responds, the savage countenance that this machine displays may be classified as extraordinary!

    The machine has an inherent attitude that speaks volumes about what is available beneath the right boot. It begs tirelessly for rev-abuse and when you submit to its constant request, each chosen gear renews the adrenaline-charged, rapidly escalating acceleration and at no stage is the impression conveyed that the machine intends to quit.

    And I must add that which is crucial. The DC5 R will invade any platoon’s hideout, extinguish the targets and vanish, propelled by relentless revs and complete a cross country journey without dispersing a significant fuel load! Ask a turbocharged machine to do that after an extended session of full-rev!

    Blistering acceleration, driven by endless revs, is its trump card and its inability to appear breathless, allows it to accumulate the ample firepower required to mutilate machines, which on paper, appear superior.

    A word of advice to unsuspecting turbocharged machines – Myrie’s DC5 R is a lion in wolf’s clothing!

    So, is this a track-worthy machine? YES and YES!

    Cecil Munroe Gleaner On-Line Writer

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